Social Cohesion Philanthropy

WHat is social cohesion philanthropy?

A common chorus among funders and the non-profits they fund has emerged over the last few years, giving voice to the impact of polarization in their work. Organizations, campaigns, and issues may be gaining short-term wins, but the long-term social fabric of our communities, country, and democracy may be losing in the process. We believe there is an opportunity to raise awareness about these dynamics within philanthropy, and support philanthropy to do its part in furthering social cohesion in America. 

PACE, the Democracy Funders Network, and New Pluralists are launching a campaign that aims to put the spirit of “Social Cohesion Philanthropy” on the map, and shape the culture of philanthropy towards intentionally building social cohesion and combatting toxic polarization in America.


“Social Cohesion Philanthropy” is an approach to the practice of philanthropy that prioritizes:

• Turning down the temperature on tensions that can lead to dehumanization

• Finding points of commonality among players, especially when “us v. them” thinking is pervasive

• Centering and prioritizing “means” as much as “ends”

• Engaging with curiosity, humility, and respect

• Advancing pluralism and co-existence

• Shaping norms and behaviors that foster mutual tolerance which democracy needs to survive

More FAQ’s are answered here.

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Interested in Social cohesion philanthropy?

PACE believes that a healthy and functioning multiracial liberal democracy requires a socially cohesive population that respects differences within its citizenry.

Unfortunately, even well-intentioned actors may unconsciously aid or abet toxically polarizing tendencies and behaviors, and are not immune to these dynamics in their own work and leadership. This includes philanthropy.

Join us in writing a new story about philanthropy’s role in addressing polarization and promoting healing across divides in America.

Shannon Green, CEO

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Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE, #372
Washington, DC 20003


Telephone: 202-753-9917