Social Cohesion Primer

What efforts are funders supporting related to social cohesion, pluralism, and bridging across difference?

As a philanthropic network helping foundations maximize their impact on democracy, an increasing number of funders are asking PACE how to make sense of the ever-expanding ecosystem of initiatives aimed at supporting democratic health, bridging differences, and promoting pluralism– and where they might fit in.

Our colleagues at the Peace and Security Funders Group and Council on Foundations have been fielding similar questions from their members. Collectively, we are hearing that some “democracy funders” who are working on issues of polarization domestically in the US are seeking to learn from others working on conflict resolution, particularly in international contexts. And some “peace and security funders” who have been working on conflict overseas are considering how to have an impact in the US. Some of the language is shared. Some of the problems and solutions are shared, but a lot is distinct, nuanced, and context-specific.

PACE partnered with the Peace and Security Funders Group and the Council of Foundations to release a new resource, the Social Cohesion Primer, which provides a map for funders to visualize an “ecosystem of cohesion-advancing efforts” and begin to imagine their place in it.

The Social Cohesion Primer plots 18 distinct efforts supporting the concept of social cohesion (broadly defined) by goal, scale, and type.

The “coordinates” in the ecosystem include efforts like:
–Combating dis-information
–Countering extremism and hate
–Fostering belonging
–Supporting conflict resolution
–Advancing interfaith cooperation

*It’s important to note that this is one way to think about and orient these interventions and the field as a whole. It is not the only way.We offer this resource as an invitation to start a conversation and we will continue to evolve and make changes as we learn. We encourage your feedback as we iterate on this resource.

Additional Resources

View the Primer

Philanthropy Can Further Social Cohesion (Council on Foundations)

Social Cohesion

Keeping Pace with Kristen: Introducing the Social Cohesion Primer

Interested in Social cohesion philanthropy?

We believe there is an opportunity to raise awareness about these dynamics within philanthropy, and support philanthropy to do its part in furthering social cohesion in America.

PACE, the Democracy Funders Network, and New Pluralists are launching a campaign that aims to put the spirit of “Social Cohesion Philanthropy” on the map, and shape the culture of philanthropy towards intentionally building social cohesion and combatting toxic polarization in America.

Shannon Green, CEO

Interested in Peace and Security Funding?

If you come to the Social Cohesion Primer from a peace or security orientation, you maybe interested in speaking directly to the Peace and Security Funders Group. They have a knowledgable team and helpful resources to orient you to the social cohesion space through that lens, and they can share what your funder colleagues in the peace and security space are doing on this topic.

Cath Thompson, Managing Director of Peace and Security Funders Group


Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE, #372
Washington, DC 20003


Telephone: 202-753-9917